Beyond the physical aspects, our package focuses on building your confidence and mental resilience.

Confidently take the stage, knowing you're putting your best foot forward.

A supportive and empowering environment allowing you to focus solely on defining your moment

Customised for you by FMG Pro Rhia Edwards to ensure you stand out and shine during the spotlight.


Where Precision Meets Excellence on the Stage

At Team Alpha, we've curated an all-encompassing package designed to address every aspect of your posing, presentation, and stage finesse. Our goal is to ensure that when you step onto the stage next, you exude the undeniable superstar within you.

This package places a strong focus on cultivating a resilient mindset and revealing your true potential. This aligns with the understanding that triumph in competitions like FMG [formerly WBFF Australia] extends beyond mere physical appearance.

Rhia your presentation coach firmly believes that mastering stage presence goes beyond a well-planned routine or posing flow; it delves into embodying a mindset that recognises your genuine capabilities. Her expertise lies in guiding you to embody that envisioned persona on stage with unwavering confidence.

From the intricacies of your bikini to the energy, confidence, and presence you radiate on stage, Rhia is dedicated to helping you grace the stage with a superstar performance that you can proudly showcase.


Rhia Edwards

FMG Pro athlete [Formerly WBFF],

Rhia expertise extends far beyond the stage. She has an innate drive for excellence and fuelled by an unrelenting passion for empowering others, she has become a beacon of inspiration for aspiring competitors seeking to maximise their potential through their competition journey.

What sets Rhia apart is not just her physical ability but also her commitment to personal development and self-authenticity.

Recognising the transformative power of finding your true identity and bringing superstar stage presence, she has now dedicated herself to helping others unlock their full potential while prepping for the stage.


Our Package Includes

Don't let the competition define you; define the competition.

Posing refinements with emphasis on showcasing strengths and minimising weaknesses

Structured posing practice schedule leading up to the competition and progressive adjustments based on feedback.

Guidance on mentally rehearsing success on stage and visualisation exercises for positive outcomes.

Personalised advice on bikini selection and overall presentation, including hair, makeup, and tan.

Tips and technqiues on confidence, eye contact, and projecting undeniable presence.

Unmatched support in perfecting your presentation leading up to the stage day.

Guidance on how to own the spotlight and build a PRO athlete mindset.

Q&A coaching calls to ensure you feel confident & informed on every aspect of your presentation.

Backstage priority assistance and support on the day

Strategies to overcome setbacks and challenges while building resilience and maintaining focus.

Step into the spotlight with grace, radiate confidence, and a mindset that is unstoppable.

Your moment awaits…



Q1: What is the Spotlight Presentation Package

This package is a comprehensive program designed to enhance your performance in competitions, focusing on these two critical aspects: mastering awe-inspired stage presence and cultivating a winning mindset. It combines expert and passion inspired guidance, proven stage ready tools, and mental conditioning to help you shine on stage.

Q2: Why is Presentation Important in Competitions?

A: Presentation is a crucial element in showcasing your strengths and hiding weaknesses. It emphasises your posing, bikini, energy, mindset and overall aesthetics, contributing significantly to judges' impressions. Our package ensures you learn and perfect all areas tailored to your personal aura and indentity, ensuring you present only your true self on stage.

Q3: What does the Mindset Aspect Include?

A: Mindset training is designed to cultivate mental resilience, confidence, and focus. It covers techniques to manage pre-competition nerves, enhance self-belief, and stay composed under pressure. The package provides tools & techniques to develop a positive mindset that empowers you to perform at your best during comp prep.

Q4: Who can benefit from this Package?

A: This package is suitable for competitors at all levels, from beginners to experienced athletes. Whether you're entering your first competition or aiming to elevate your confidence and step into the real essence of you, our program offers complete customisation and will vary based on what level you are at and what you would like to focus on.

Q5: How long does the Package last?

The duration of the package varies based on individual goals and starting points. On average, participants can expect a program spanning several weeks to months. The personalised nature of the package allows for flexibility while ensuring sustained progress.

Q6: Can I participate remotely, or is it location-specific?

A: Our package is solely delivered online with virtual training sessions, video assessments, and online support make it accessible to individuals worldwide. However, in-person sessions are available to book in separately for those who prefer a more intimate and hands-on approach.

Q7: How do I get started with the package?

A: To get started, fill out the initial consultation form. We'll reach out to you to discuss your goals, assess your needs, and create a personalised plan to kickstart your journey towards mastering posing and developing a winning mindset for mastering your next moment on stage.